Sexual Dysfunction

The association between alcohol use and sexual disorders has been well known. The chronic use of alcohol and the deleterious effects it has on the sexual performance of the individual have been studied in the past. Sexual disorders are seen comprises of various components in sexual functioning like the arousal mechanism, the performance which may include premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation and difficulty in getting penile tumulescence.

A sexual dysfunction can arise as a result of biological problems, relationship problems, intra psychic conflicts, lack of a proper sexual knowledge, other psychiatric and or Medical disorders, personality, types and disorders, and use of medicines (anti-hypertensive, anti-depressants) or a combination of any or all of these. Sexual dissatisfaction and sexual dysfunction today occur with a frequency that would overwhelm the health services if they all presented for help. Sexual problems, generally believed to have wide prevalence, have been accorded low priority and physicians either show no interest or tend to ignore patient’s psychosexual complaints. Sexual Dysfunction treatment with Sildenafil meds and other medicine in Canadian Health and Care Mall.

Sexuality is a wide concept. It consists of innate attributes of an individual, including identity, sexual desires and roles which find expression in sexual relationships and sexual activities with others. It is the quality or state of being sexual; an aspect of one’s need for closeness, caring and touch. It is how people experience and express themselves as sexual beings. The threads of sexuality are woven densely into the fabrics of human experience. It is now well known that good sexual health is an important part of physical well-being. Proper sexual functioning is one of the most important components of quality of life and of maintaining a satisfying intimate relationship and it provides a sense of physical, psychological and social wellbeing.

Chronic and persistent alcohol use is known to induce sexual dysfunction, which leads to marked distress and interpersonal difficulty, which worsens the alcohol abuse. It may be due to the depressant effect of alcohol itself, alcohol-related disease or due to a multitude of psychological forces related to the alcohol use. The spectrum of sexual dysfunction encompasses:

1. Decreased sexual desire;
2. Sexual aversion disorder;
3. Difficulty in erection.
4. Difficulty in achieving orgasm;
5. Premature ejaculation.

Virtually all aspects of the human sexual response are affected by alcohol especially sexual desire and erection.

November 2, 2015
Sexual dysfunction treatment with Canadian Health and Care Mall

Sexual dysfunction treatment with Canadian Health and Care Mall

The association between alcohol use and sexual disorders has been well known. The chronic use of alcohol and the deleterious effects it has on the sexual […]